Month: August 2013

  • beyond new york

    I am home and worked my day required for being developed as staff.  I didn’t take many snaps in nyc  at all as it was yucky rain and I lazy and unartistic.


    I did however note my thoughts for later haikus.


    how to keep pace – the windbreaker shish .


    Penalty for showing your butt…ew..


    what is greater than god, more evil than the devil and if you eat it you will die?

    here come the sarcasm


    so how was the white castle?…shit.


    which one of you Irish ordered up the weather from home?


    scrum square *times square packed)


    rrrrg shish

    ta tata ta ta tahhhhhhhh


    I littered at the library and this time I am proud

    ninja star in christmas mystery


    cloud surfing all the way…i.e. no exit or arrival or midddle was without kicking turbulance


    thus the seat belt sign is on… I ain’t going to tell you you cant go lecture


    stereoscopic infant squawl


    florida bound infant squawl vs nyc bound vs dallas bound…. dallas wins with the pissiest brat unhappy but do not forget the new york yowl


    the airline flight crew dude bitched that this lady tried using an extra “care strap” to snug her baby in a car seat yet 6 kids flew on momma and daddy’s lap????? wtf


    the usual carnival meals and cannibal pricing.


    I never lacked a smoke or light at any airport.


    I have a macdonalds problem visiting nyc I always do when i do :D


    just in case I haiku later this is my notes.  moooning on the trampoline is a penalty….  I’m so out of it  I never knew..

  • Beyond The Pale.

    I’m just back from the porch to my secondary zen mancave after an enjoyable night sans booze. I was enjoying a less complex version of tomato beer. This is in honour of a whim – a whim to see if by some miracle pile of bullshit that what o.p.o. other people’s opinions that my fine nights of beeer are the sin to beat all sins and the only reason I feel less than allstar after it.

    can of busch NA
    tomato juice ala market pantry
    fresh ground pepper
    hotsauce …just a drop or two.

    large glass tomato pepper and sauciness then slowly pour in beer. stir


    Why did I buy not piss-water in a can like 3.2% beer? I mean what IS the point of non-alcoholic beer – it’s really just NON BEER?
    Because I like malty things and was curious as to whether it’s a far too often in my life drinkie-poo YOU”RE KILLING YOUSELF howl or is it something else that makes it hard to get moving in the morning?

    first off. it ain’t half bad the booze-less van gogh minus the raw egg. or a tomato beer. it doesn’t need the pepper which annoyingly can float on the foamy bubbles for a bit. it’s an odd feeling heavy as in full without also needing a nap . and! don’t you just love run on sentences?… heh
    AND don’t you just sense that i stayed up just a hair longer with those carbs as non alcoholic beer has calories and carbs as does the juice ala tomato with the added zing of sodium in juice and hot sauce to monitor.

    second. I woke just as chipper / no go power as always. alcohol consumption solved not one demon of my morning. I felt not one stitch better I got just as many carbs if not slightly more . nothing whatever changed.

    wannnnnh. so back to a wave of booze? no. I bought the round of na beer to see if it doesn’t lead to another round of na beer. the blessing after is not so much to quit drinking as it has no immediate value one way or another just later pluses, but to not want five beers a sitting. or some equally hyperbolic exaggeration of my evening. Okay I may never be a one and done fellow but 3 or 4 beers needn’t happen 2 is sufficient. how do you get to this place? this place of “restraint” don’t drink you dummy! that is the purpose of the experiment if as i expected my sins are consumption of carbs related still not consumption of alcohol.
    this said; welcome to doggy days of summer…. get your red eyes on….even if they’re beyond the pale like mine.

  • professional creative writing

    please note that the title isn’t properly capitolized to offer you one sliver of hope that i can be ignored.  do you REALLY think i lack entire confidence?? “{ on you.  now back to how to run an activity.

    Creative writing is rife with dissonant views on what is and what isn’t the subject at hand.  i am new to the gigs nevermind doing well in my accreditted studies.  nevermind my xanga prowess even!.


    let’s haiku.  Why because it is poetry with josh….or so it says on the calender. 10:40 poetry with josh. and by gum, i had better start on time or yet one more demerit from the auditors and one more ghoulish like i would court it 2567.   yes the very nasty form liable to papercut me if i fail to do my job.  make no mistake, i work in fear of the johnny law of bitchy cheapass children wanting their inheritances back.


    haiku is not particularly difficult a form for an englished soul..i.e. i speak no origiaal japanese to speak of.  the form is ensconced with it’s accepted interpretations here independant somewhat of it’s parent.


    I vividly remember haiku’s form to me the following: subject action and meaning within three framed lines of five seven and five syllales each with the internal rhyming repeating one line into the next with one clunker mid-end second of the lines….american haiku say away with you on that bitch of a form pretty much asking only for a flowing meter of either five seven five or six eight six….no rhyme is required.  


    however, please be warned I find it hard to rhyme or parse later vague words without any rhyme so i ask up front that we try at least to rhyme the reuired 3words of rhyme and one cluncker.


    so: imagine the group picking first a word.  now imagine rhynming that word twice much more.  pick out any ol’ word clunker and lets honestly haiku.


    today’s words sincerely were well, spell hell and house.


    turning the first sentence is up for debate and or group dickering but once it is done making up the last sentence is not as hard so long as the whisper of form is followed that the last line color the meaning.

    better well than hell

    t’was spelled out and i sent home

    it’s temporary.


    why that?

    why not as now the power of lauding bullshit can leap to the fray.  better well than hell who wishes to be ill or in lesser health?  t’was spelled out and i sent home… oh you can imagin that the cruelest of fates deny me that twas spelled out and i sent to A home… remember i work in just that, a retirement home.  it’s….temporary?


    hate to say it but it tits up pine box or you are leaving without jesus’ proof you’ve regressed not in attituude alone 30 years.  


    and there you have it what was cajouled out of the creative writers today.


    my example haiku is

    burn learn, return dust.


    burned, the shelf returned – that pressed-dust disappointment,ilive and I learn.




    pleasse feel free to unlock the haikuian warrior arisristocrate in your soul or pass time with your elderly.

  • big apple bound

    I bought my tickets to visit my irish friend over again to nyc.  I can not afford ireland at present so I lept at the chance to try this closer dealie-bob.

    I seem to see 65 a night plus 3.5-  and 15.30% tax rough ly sixty five ish , the mta trip planner says i can get the reduced fare to and from for a buck twenty five per way.  I thus have a shot at central park, taking a subway, perhaps even a photo if i purposely go to jamaica ;)  billy joel joke.  I get about 24 hours in town.

    I will be laying over in ft lauderdale which no one xangawise is close to and dallas which there are people but like um, I ain’t seeing them lately online.   its expecting to cost 360; 65 15 45 for smoke to have a carton’s worth for before and after/during, 95 for cheap and something semi nice plus a few drinks  pennies aplenty to get abouty. camera on phone works too.  this leaves me pinching to get out tonight but it’s also gets me home with a paycheck after a day.:D

     8.12 red eye out.

  • Saintvi’s survey shang hai’d from roadkill spatula’s

    What was the last thing you put in your mouth? the water bag’s tap which I turned for water?

    Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew?  I haven’t kissed the bible not the godfatherofgreenbay nor that gay fella in the springs so no and I think I’ve missed out the kissing diseases too.

    Where was your profile picture taken? I think the current picture of me was taken in the men’s head at Nallan’s pub.

    Can you play guitar hero? yes but why? I so suck at it and fail thus to gain entertainment from the effort.

    Name someone that made you laugh today? not quit yet but there’s at least been a smile .

    How late did you stay up last night and why? not particularly late but I haven’t checked my last entry message to her so I don’t remember.

    If you could move somewhere else, would you? I move often enough but am tiring of the no papers  and a year to get them so I probably wont- i mean actual insurance in the county I reside in this so far hasn’t denied me services but it could.



    Do you believe exes can be friends? Yes, but it’s not always a good idea, especially if you have a new love i’m stealing tim’s answer but failing to take it’s advice).

    How do you feel about Dr Pepper? lets get some brandy on up in it and find out?

    When was the last time you cried really hard? I think it was 2011.

    Where are you right now? my basement in englewood?

    What bed did you sleep in last night? a pretty enough one from ikea with a mattress not entirely dead lumpy?.

    What was the last thing someone bought for you for dinner? lefttovers were designated MINE and were beff chimichanga from blackeyed pea.

    Who took your profile picture? I probably did..

    Who was the last person you took a picture of? of probably Englishman Jason..

    Was yesterday better than today? I may not be able to do one thing I hoped after so today may have a poopier ring to it but the question is somewhat irrelevant..

    Can you live a day without TV? yes but i just purchased my second one this year.

    Are you mad about anything? as in cuckoo perhaps but situations …not actively..

    Are you upset about anything? boo I might not have means to hit nyc as hoped booo.

    Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yes even with that meany pants heartbreaker choosing elsewhere it was nice to know I thought and unfortuanately still do think the world of here..

    Are you a bad influence? probably.

    Night out or night in? it is poetry fest at ziggy’s the place with the jupiter tables of wood grain and coins. I’d like to go out.

    not go without during the day? Cell phone. Toilet paper.  I’ll add water .

    Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? if i discount where i work which is a long term care facility the last person was mom after she got hit by 93 year old learning it was time to hang up the keys..

    What does the last text message in your inbox say? please take the bus. luv you….mom.

    How do you feel about your life right now? with any luck i’ll naile her yet..

    Do you hate anyone? that requires energy.  I do however think the voices failed to help me select  anyone.

    If we were to look in your Xanga inbox, what would we find? people hammin it up outside of april fools day with the pregnant with twins thing.

    Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? I passed the last one.  I don’t take what they screen for.  if you mean  do i take my prescribed meds accurately that i’d fail.  if you mean what drug is which I am sorry i refer to pdr’s for that.

    Has anyone ever called you perfect before? if so it was in the context of being  a pain in the ass.

    What song is stuck in your head? many the most pleasing tunelet is george winston’s december.

    Someone knocks on your window at 2am, who do you want it to be? aex[;aomab;e [oece of loud garbage of the inanimate kind.

    Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50? I haven’t had any children yet and it would be very sad if my children by misfortune or bad choice had grand childrean before the end of elementary school.

    Name something you have to do tomorrow? I running a poetry with josh activity.

    Do you think too much or too little? classic over thinker..

    Do you smile a lot? plastic kinds of you bet..

    Who was your last missed call on your Mobile phone? dunno.

    Is there something you always wear? hair i suppose..

    What were you doing 30 minutes ago? starting this..

    Did you have an exciting last weekend? yeah it was nearly a snack war.

    Have you ever crawled through a window? yes it is uncomfortable

    Have you ever dyed your hair? it will naturally bleach in pool water and sunlight over summertimes..

    Are you wearing a necklace? nah

    Are you an emotional person? perhaps

    What’s something that can always make you feel better? cheater cheater pumpkin eater question.

    Will this weekend be a good one? of course i get more cash hours in :D .

    What do you want right now? smoke break.

    Have you ever worn the opposite sex’s clothing? not seeing well and hav9ing laundry everywhere I once had a great time wearing 16′s til she told me i swiped her pants…no picture survive of that night  where it was time to say yeah I so don’t do  good in drag..


    What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? 1030 POETRY WITH JOSH otherwise really for public consumption.

    Does anyone know your Xanga password? perhaps but they aren’t interested.